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Best Wines under $50

With such a wide variety of wines on the market now at every single price point, how do we know what we’re getting is great value and a great drop? When it comes to the value of wine, more expensive bottles have much higher quality grapes. Once you cross the $30 barrier for wine per bottle you are generally getting an overall better product that includes hand harvested, premium grapes from a specific region (rather than blended, machine harvested), your wine is coming from a small production run and is likely extended aged in French oak barrels, rather than the cheaper American oak or even metal, it might even have better quality corking and glass. We’ve put together a list of our most popular, staff-picked wines under 50 dollars for you to find the perfect drop for a special occasion. All our selections can be delivered direct to your door throughout USA.

  • Hennessy VS 100ml
    Staff Pick

    Hennessy VS 100ml

    $6.99 The Hennessy VS 100ml is a distinguished cognac that offers a rich and complex flavor profile. Upon tasting, you will experience notes of dried fruits, vanilla, and oak, with a hint of spice that lingers on the palate. This exquisite blend of eaux-de-vie delivers a smooth and balanced taste, making it perfect for savoring on its own or in cocktails. The Hennessy VS 100ml is a fine choice for those seeking a premium cognac with depth and
    100ml | France
  • 1800 Ultimate Margarita Passion Fruit RTD 1.75L

    $19.99 The 1800 Ultimate Margarita Passion Fruit RTD is a ready-to-drink cocktail that combines the zesty flavors of tequila with the tropical essence of passion fruit. This vibrant and refreshing beverage offers a perfect balance of sweet and tangy notes, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a fruity twist on the classic margarita. With each sip, you'll experience a burst of citrusy flavors complemented by the smooth finish of premium tequila. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your
    1.75L | Mexico
    Moet Nectar Rose Just Don NBA 750ml
    Staff Pick

    Moet Nectar Rose Just Don NBA 750ml

    $52.99 Indulge in the exquisite Moet Nectar Rose Just Don NBA, a luxurious champagne that tantalizes the palate with its vibrant blend of flavors. This opulent drink boasts a delightful fusion of ripe red fruits, such as strawberries and raspberries, complemented by hints of floral notes and a touch of spice. The effervescent bubbles dance on your tongue, creating a symphony of taste sensations that culminate in a smooth and lingering finish. Perfect for special occasions or simply savoring life's
    750ml | France
    Frontera Sweet Red 750ml

    Frontera Sweet Red 750ml

    $5.99 Crafted with precision and expertise, Frontera Sweet Red is a delightful wine that tantalizes the taste buds with its vibrant flavors. This exquisite blend boasts a rich profile of ripe red fruits, such as cherries and plums, complemented by subtle hints of vanilla and spice. The velvety texture and well-balanced sweetness make it a perfect choice for those seeking a smooth and indulgent wine experience. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite dessert, Frontera Sweet Red is sure
    750ml | Chile
    Snowball Peach Cream 750ml

    Snowball Peach Cream 750ml

    $18.99 Snowball Peach Cream, a delightful fusion of peach liqueur and cream that offers a harmonious blend of sweet and creamy notes. This luscious drink tantalizes the taste buds with the juicy essence of ripe peaches, complemented by the smooth richness of cream. The velvety texture and subtle hints of vanilla create a luxurious drinking experience that is both refreshing and indulgent. Perfect for those who appreciate a touch of sweetness with a creamy finish, Snowball Peach Cream is sure to be a
    750ml | United States
  • Capriccio Watermelon Sangria 750ml

    Capriccio Watermelon Sangria 750ml

    $9.99 Capriccio Watermelon Sangria is a vibrant and refreshing drink that combines the sweetness of watermelon with the crispness of white wine. This delightful beverage offers a burst of juicy watermelon flavor with hints of citrus and tropical fruits, making it perfect for those who enjoy a light and fruity libation. The blend of wine and natural fruit flavors creates a harmonious balance that is both delicious and easy to drink. Capriccio Watermelon Sangria is ideal for casual gatherings, picnics,
    750ml | Spain
  • Jim Beam Apple Bourbon Whiskey 1L

    Jim Beam Apple Bourbon Whiskey 1L

    $21.99 Jim Beam Apple Bourbon Whiskey is a delightful fusion of smooth bourbon and crisp apple flavors. This unique blend offers a harmonious balance of sweet caramel notes from the bourbon with a refreshing hint of green apple. The palate is greeted with a warm, inviting taste that evolves into a lingering finish, leaving a pleasant sensation on the taste buds. Perfect for those seeking a twist on traditional bourbon, this Jim Beam creation is sure to captivate your senses with its distinctively
    1L | United States
Best Wine Under 20 3

How to find great wines under $50

Choosing the best and brightest of the many bottles we were lucky enough to try in our store was no easy task. We contacted our staff, sponsors and other trusted wine experts to help us name and reduce our list of favorites. As we dissected and discussed our best wines under $50 of the year, we established several criteria. All bottles had to be readily available in our store (no rare wines, no wines from decades old vintages), and all of them had to have been tasted by us in the past year.

Our ranking emphasizes drinkability, interesting taste profiles, value and, above all, delight. We selected no more than one wine from each winery and did not repeat any selections from other lists. After a long and heated discussion that we’ve put together the above list of our favorite drops, both red and white, ready to have delivered direct to your door or pick-up from our store on Broadway.

5 Ways to enjoy premium wine at a lower price

Everyone loves wine, but wonderfully tasty and luxurious wines can be expensive. Here are 5 of our favorite ways to taste the best of the wine world without burning your wallets.

1. Wine sharing with friends.
Sharing a box of wine with some friends. Ordering together reduces shipping costs, and ordering a case allows you to take one or two samples of a bottle.

2. Wine Shop for Sale at
There is no need to exaggerate, but we are proud to be a great resource for wine lovers, and stock over 6,000 different varieties of wine to suit all budgets and all tastes. Our expert staff can help you find exactly what you need for any occasion.

5. Ask an expert – don’t be afraid!
If you were in a restaurant you’d ask the sommelier, or better yet, a master sommelier, ask them what wines they care about most in their budget. They know the entries and exits of their wine list back to front. Treat our staff like your personal sommelier and we’ll help you find the perfect bottle!