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Patron Tequila: A Taste of Mexican Classic

Patron Tequila 1

Discover Patron Tequila

Patron is known for producing high quality and mild fermented tequila, a fruit commonly found in hot and arid regions of Mexico. Patron tequila was originally produced at Casa 7 Leguas, one of Mexico’s oldest distilleries.

Since its introduction to the world in 1989, Patron Tequila has become well known in popular culture circles, often mentioned in film, television and the music industry. In January 2018, Patron was effectively bought by Bacardi, the world’s largest private spirits company, for approximately $5.1 million.

The Patrón Spirits Company today is the largest exporter of premium tequila. Thanks to their efforts, the tequila drink rose from being a second grade spirit to the prestige category of “ultra-premium”. All high-quality products Patrón Spirits is one hundred percent made from blue agave grown in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, and is made by special technology, which allows them to achieve their amazing taste. Despite the fact that the company was founded only in 1989, in 2004 they were awarded the prestigious “Five Star brillantovyh” and by 2007 they were outselling premium hard liquor brands like Martel cognac, Famous Grouse whiskey and Nemiroff vodka.

Tequila is aged in small barrels made of white American oak for at least 6 months, then blended and acquires the unique taste of honey, spices and citrus fruits. For production they use only natural ingredients and the best variety of the blue agave – Weber Tequilana.

Patron Tequila Price

The Patron Tequila price range is between $21 – $65 for their classic ranges and $159 – $419 for their Gran Patron collection. The Patron Silver price range is $4.58 – $89 for 50ml – 1.75L options; the Silver is Patron’s most popular product.

Of course, Patron is available always at the lowest price on our store as well as many other tequila brands.

Product Size Proof Price Range
Gran Patron Burdeos 750ml 80 $419.99 – $499.99
Gran Patron Piedra 750ml 80 $319.99 – $399.99
Gran Patron Platinum 750ml 80 $159.99 – $199.99
Gran Patron Smoky 750ml 101 $199.99 – $215.00
Patron Anejo 750ml 80 $47.99 – $52.99
Patron Citron Lime 750ml 80 $18.99 – $23.99
Patron Citron Mango 750ml 80 $18.99 – $23.99
Patron Citron Orange 750ml 80 $18.99 – $23.99
Patron Citron Pineapple 750ml 80 $18.99 – $23.99
Patron Extra Anejo 750ml 80 $84.99 – $89.99
Patron Reposado 750ml 80 $46.99 – $48.99
Patron Silver 50ml 80 $4.58 – $6.00
Patron Silver 375ml 80 $25.99 – $23.99
Patron Silver 750ml 80 $44.99 – $39.99
Patron Silver 1.75L 80 $89.99 – $94.99
Patron Silver Gift Set 1.75L 80 $94.99 – $115.99
Patron XO Cafe 750ml 70 $21.99 – $24.99
Patron XO Café 375ml 70 $11.99 – $15.99
Patron XO Cafe Dark Coco 750ml 70 $21.99 – $24.99
Roca Patron Anejo 750ml 88 $71.99 – $76.99
Roca Patron Reposado 750ml 84 $62.99 – $69.99
Roca Patron Silver 750ml 90 $54.99 – $66.99
Patron Tequila - A tasty guide to this Mexican classic
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Patron Citrónge range

In 2016 Patron launched a new range of fruit liqueurs aimed at the mixology market. With 3 flavors eventually extended to 4; Mango, Orange, Pineapple and Lime.

The liqueurs are created by using local fruit including the highest quality Piña Miel pineapples which are harvested in Veracruz, Mexico. Pineapples, mangoes and limes pair well with tequila and mezcal in popular cocktail drinks and these liqueurs have been flying off the shelves ever since their launch.

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Patron Tequila - A tasty guide to this Mexican classic

How is Patron tequila produced?

Patron tequila is made by fermenting the fruit of the blue agave plant. The plant takes a long time to ripen, almost eight to ten years, to reach the ideal level of ripeness. For this reason, Patron tequila is often considered a premium spirit due to the difficulty of producing large quantities. After the plant has grown to produce fruit with optimal sugar levels, the fruit (known as piña) is then harvested.

The piña is then crushed and placed in a brick oven to cook evenly on all sides. This facilitates the decomposition of the sugars contained in the fruit, making it easier to produce alcohol.

The chopped piña is then crushed and crushed. The pulp is left to ferment for three days and then distilled in handmade barrels for at least two months. The oldest tequila offered by Patron is his Añejo 7 Años, which has aged for seven years.

Patron Tequila - A tasty guide to this Mexican classic

Patron, the Brand

Patrón was the first ultra-premium tequila created in Jalisco, Mexico, in 1989 and continues to be one of the best selling spirits in the world. In 2018, it was acquired by Bacardi for 5.1 billion dollars.

The name “Patron” usually means “charitable or financially supportive person,” but the preferred meaning of John Paul De Joria and Martin Crowley for his brand name was “great boss. Patron Tequila uses an Algerian font and black or white to represent his word.

According to one version, the symbol of Tequila Patrón is a bee, and this symbol was used due to the strong attraction of bees to the blue agave plant. But the Patron brand was in fact conceived by co-founder Martin Crowley, who served in the Navy on the huge aircraft carrier USS Hornet, so the Patron Tequila logo shows a hornet, not a bee. Co-founder Martin Crowley designed a logo that – and we never realized it – shows a hornet in the label. This is because before entering tequila, Crowley served in the Navy on the huge aircraft carrier USS Hornet.

Patron has several different versions of tequila, from the original Patron Silver to GranPatron. And the color palette varies from version to version, but the primary colors of the brand are white, black, and gold.

Patron tequila products are thoroughly tested before being shipped from the distillery, and almost 60 hands are required to produce tequila. A four digit code is present on each Mexican tequila bottle, indicating the distillery where the product was produced. The Patron’s NOM code is 1492 and can be seen on each bottle of Patron tequila.

History of Patron

As premium tequila, Patrón is made with 100% Blue Weber Agave tequila, a recipe developed in the era of “mixedto” tequila drowning (essentially a cheap horn produced by mixing distilled agave with up to 49% tasteless rough fire water, which can be made from any old starch you want). But it wasn’t the agave, but the beauty of the hand blown glass bottle that inspired the brand. Future business partner DeJoria brought back a beautiful bottle from a business trip to Mexico, and while what was inside looked like a nightmare, the bottle itself was so impressive that it inspired the brand’s slogan “simply perfect.

Yes, there’s the spacious and beautiful Hacienda Patrón, home of the distillery and La Casona, a one-year private guest house that looks like the residence of a James Bond villain. But in reality, Patrón is proud of the moderation. According to the company, only 60 hands go to the production of each bottle (which is really little, given the production level), and only “eight families supply 80 to 95%” of Patrón’s agave plants.

Speaking of Patrón agave plants, they are not grown at Hacienda Patrón. Just like the grapes used to make these Bordeaux mega-cheap wines, the agave plants that go to Patrón are carefully selected from different producers. It is like the difference between cooking with what is in the fridge and a super rich selection of the best ingredients from various gourmet stores, most likely during a helicopter trip.