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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Absolut Vodka 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region Sweden
Type Vodka
Producer Absolut
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Smoked salmon or caviar
ABV 40.0%
Item #
Item # 03768
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Absolut Vodka 750ml - Item Code: 03768

Discover Absolut Vodka 750ml:

Crafted with precision and expertise, Absolut Vodka is a premium spirit that exudes unparalleled smoothness and purity. Distilled from the finest winter wheat and pristine water, this Swedish vodka offers a clean taste with subtle hints of grain. Its crisp and refreshing profile makes it a versatile choice for cocktails or enjoying neat. Absolut Vodka stands out for its exceptional quality and timeless appeal, making it a staple in any well-stocked bar.

Producer Notes: Absolut

Absolut, a prominent liquor producer based in Sweden, has gained worldwide recognition for its iconic range of premium vodkas. Founded in 1879, Absolut has established itself as a leader in the spirits industry by focusing on quality and innovation. The brand's distinctively shaped bottles and extensive flavor offerings have made it a favorite choice among consumers seeking sophisticated and versatile spirits. Absolut's commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices further enhances its appeal to modern consumers who value ethical production methods.

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Vodka is a versatile and widely appreciated spirit known for its clarity and smoothness. Our selection encompasses a range of premium vodkas produced by some of the world's most renowned distilleries. Characterized by its neutral flavor profile, vodka serves as an ideal base for cocktails while also being enjoyed neat by connoisseurs who appreciate its subtle nuances. Distilled from ingredients such as grain, potatoes, or even grapes, each bottle in our collection offers a unique expression of the distiller's craft.

Our vodka offerings include traditional Russian and Polish styles, renowned for their meticulous distillation processes and exceptional purity. We also feature contemporary brands that innovate with filtration techniques like charcoal filtering, imparting a distinctive smoothness that makes them standouts in mixed drinks. Whether you're looking for an organic option or a vodka infused with the essence of exotic fruits, our selection caters to diverse palates and preferences.

At our liquor store, we take pride in curating a range of vodkas that reflect quality and craftsmanship. From small-batch artisanal producers to iconic labels that have defined the category, each product on our shelves has been chosen for its ability to deliver a superior drinking experience. Whether you're hosting a gathering or savoring a quiet evening at home, our vodka collection is poised to elevate any occasion.

Popular Vodka products in our store include Surfside Lemonade Variety Pack 355ml, Ciroc Passion Vodka with Cooler 750ml, Ciroc Vodka with Cooler 750ml, and High Noon Tropic 8pk. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Vodka.

Review Highlights - Absolut Vodka 750ml

4.8 / 5
57 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. Allyvand1497 Verified Buyer

    Their store is branded differently than this website, but it’s the same shop. Very good range, plenty to choose from.

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Get this product Pickup available at 8925 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11236
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