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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Baron De La Ville Merlot 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region France
Variety Merlot
Type Merlot
Producer Baron Philippe de Rothschild
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Steak or Lamb
ABV 13.5%
Item #
Item # 03840
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Baron De La Ville Merlot 750ml - Item Code: 03840

Discover Baron De La Ville Merlot 750ml:

Baron De La Ville Merlot is a rich and velvety red wine that boasts flavors of ripe black cherries, plums, and a hint of vanilla. This Merlot offers a smooth texture with soft tannins, making it an easy-drinking choice for those seeking a well-balanced and approachable wine. With its medium body and subtle oak notes, Baron De La Ville Merlot pairs beautifully with dishes like roasted lamb or mushroom risotto. Enjoy the elegant complexity of this Merlot as it unfolds on your palate, leaving a lingering finish that invites another sip.

Producer Notes: Baron Philippe de Rothschild

Baron Philippe de Rothschild, a prominent figure in the world of wine and spirits, originates from France. This distinguished producer is celebrated for their exceptional wines and spirits that embody elegance and sophistication. With a rich history dating back generations, Baron Philippe de Rothschild has established a legacy of crafting premium beverages that are revered by connoisseurs worldwide. Their commitment to quality and innovation sets them apart as a leader in the industry, consistently delivering products that exemplify excellence and refinement.

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Our selection of Merlot wines showcases the versatility and approachable character that has made this varietal a favorite among both novice and experienced wine enthusiasts. Originating from the Bordeaux region of France, Merlot is now cultivated worldwide, with each terroir imparting its unique signature on the grape's profile. Typically softer and less tannic than its cousin Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot is known for its smooth texture and ripe fruit flavors such as plum, black cherry, and hints of chocolate and herbs.

In our collection, you'll find Merlots that range from lush and full-bodied to more restrained and elegant expressions. These wines are carefully sourced from reputable producers who have mastered the art of bringing out the best in this grape. Whether it's a cool-climate Merlot with bright acidity or a warmer region offering with generous fruit concentration, our assortment provides an excellent representation of this varietal's spectrum.

Merlot pairs beautifully with a wide array of cuisines, making it a versatile choice for any occasion. From casual weeknight dinners to more formal gatherings, there is a Merlot in our selection to complement your meal or to be savored on its own. Explore our curated range of Merlot wines to discover the perfect bottle that speaks to your palate and enhances your wine-drinking experience.

Popular Merlot products in our store include Domaine Bousquet Organic Merlot 750ml, Educated Guess Merlot 750ml, Rio Alto Reserva Merlot 750ml, and Sweet Felony Merlot 1.5L. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Merlot.

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