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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Capriccio Watermelon Sangria 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region Spain
Variety Sangria White
Type Sangria White
Producer The Wine Group
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Fruit or cheese.
ABV 13.9%
Item #
Item # 06667
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Capriccio Watermelon Sangria 750ml - Item Code: 06667

Discover Capriccio Watermelon Sangria 750ml:

Capriccio Watermelon Sangria is a vibrant and refreshing drink that combines the sweetness of watermelon with the crispness of white wine. This delightful beverage offers a burst of juicy watermelon flavor with hints of citrus and tropical fruits, making it perfect for those who enjoy a light and fruity libation. The blend of wine and natural fruit flavors creates a harmonious balance that is both delicious and easy to drink. Capriccio Watermelon Sangria is ideal for casual gatherings, picnics, or simply relaxing after a long day. Enjoy this unique twist on traditional sangria for a taste experience that is sure to please your palate.

Producer Notes: The Wine Group

The Wine Group, a prominent liquor producer based in Livermore, California, has gained widespread recognition for its diverse portfolio of wines and spirits. Founded in 1981, the company has established itself as a key player in the industry by offering high-quality products at accessible price points. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, The Wine Group continues to captivate consumers with its range of varietals and blends that cater to various tastes and preferences.

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White Wine Category 2

Sangria White

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Our selection of Sangria White alcohol products offers a refreshing and light alternative to traditional red sangrias. Typically crafted from a blend of various white grape varietals such as Viognier, Sauvignon Blanc, or Pinot Grigio, these sangrias are infused with a medley of fruits like peaches, nectarines, and citrus to enhance their natural zest. The result is a harmonious concoction that is both invigorating and easy to drink, perfect for social gatherings or a relaxing evening.

The white sangrias in our collection are characterized by their crisp acidity and fruity undertones which make them an excellent choice for those who prefer a sweeter yet balanced beverage. Each product is carefully selected from reputable producers known for their quality and craftsmanship. These sangrias can be enjoyed chilled straight from the bottle or used as a versatile base for creative cocktail concoctions tailored to individual tastes.

As we cater to a diverse clientele, our range includes options that can suit any preference or occasion. Whether you're looking for an effervescent sip to pair with light appetizers or seeking a delightful drink that captures the essence of summer in a glass, our Sangria White alcohol products stand ready to deliver an enjoyable experience with every pour.

Popular Sangria White products in our store include Real Sangria Peach 1.5L, Capriccio Passionfruit Sangria 750ml, Bow Sangria Pineapple 750ml, and Carlo Rossi Moscato Sangria 1.5L. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Sangria White.

Review Highlights - Capriccio Watermelon Sangria 750ml

4.4 / 5
395 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. saggyclamburger Verified Buyer

    It’s no secret that I love this! I always have a bottle or 2 at home for those occasions or just because.

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Get this product Pickup available at 8925 Avenue D, Brooklyn, NY 11236
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