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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Frontera Sweet Red 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region Chile
Country United States
Variety Sweet/Dessert Red Wine
Type Sweet/Dessert Red Wine
Producer Concha y Toro
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Chocolate or BBQ ribs
ABV 12.5%
Item #
Item # 08410
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Frontera Sweet Red 750ml - Item Code: 08410

Discover Frontera Sweet Red 750ml:

Crafted with precision and expertise, Frontera Sweet Red is a delightful wine that tantalizes the taste buds with its vibrant flavors. This exquisite blend boasts a rich profile of ripe red fruits, such as cherries and plums, complemented by subtle hints of vanilla and spice. The velvety texture and well-balanced sweetness make it a perfect choice for those seeking a smooth and indulgent wine experience. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite dessert, Frontera Sweet Red is sure to leave a lasting impression with its luscious finish.

Producer Notes: Concha y Toro

Concha y Toro is a prominent liquor producer based in Chile. They have gained international recognition for their exceptional wines and spirits. The company's commitment to quality and innovation has set them apart in the industry. With a rich history dating back to the 19th century, Concha y Toro continues to produce a wide range of products that appeal to wine and spirit enthusiasts worldwide. Their dedication to crafting unique and flavorful beverages has solidified their position as a leader in the market.

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Critical Acclaim

James Suckling
This is firm and juicy yet generous and fruity at the same time. Has a plush and wild feel. Extremely savory. Flavorful finish. Drink now or hold.
Wine Spectator
Lush and inviting, with cassis, creamed plum and boysenberry puree flavors gliding through on a very polished structure, while anise, mocha and tobacco accents check in on the finish. A seductive style. Drink now through 2028.
Wine Enthusiast
This is a tremendous value for the quality?a youthful tightly wound wine that's still thick and tannic, with a heavy thread of leather, gunpowder and oak. Savory and substantial, it has secondary seasonings of sage and cedar that contrast well against black currant and cherry.
Robert Parker's Wine Advocate
The Faust Cabernet Sauvignon is blended of 82% Cabernet Sauvignon with smaller portions of Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, aged for 19 months in 30% new French oak. The core of the fruit comes from the Coombsville estate blended with some mountain and valley floor fruit from elsewhere. Medium to deep garnet-purple colored, it offers a beautiful core of ripe blackcurrants, blackberries and lavender with nuances of cedar chest, pencil lead and camphor plus a waft of tilled soil. Medium to full-bodied, the palate has a nice, firm backbone of ripe, grainy tannins and well-played freshness delivering a long, vibrant finish.
Red Wine Category 3

Sweet/Dessert Red Wine

View All Sweet/Dessert Red Wine Products →

Our curated selection of Sweet/Dessert Red Wines offers a delightful journey through the world of rich and luscious wines, perfect for those who appreciate a touch of sweetness in their glass. These wines are typically made from grape varieties that naturally possess higher sugar levels, such as Port from Portugal, crafted with indigenous grapes like Touriga Nacional, or the sumptuous Italian Vin Santo, often produced using partially dried grapes to concentrate their sweetness. Each bottle in our collection is sourced from esteemed producers known for their expertise in creating wines that balance sweetness with complexity and depth.

These dessert reds exhibit a range of flavors from ripe red fruits to more decadent notes of chocolate and spice, making them an excellent companion to a variety of desserts or as a stand-alone indulgence. The winemaking process often involves oak aging, which imparts additional layers of flavor and contributes to a velvety mouthfeel. Whether you're savoring a glass alongside a rich chocolate torte or enjoying it as an after-dinner sipper, these wines are designed to create memorable tasting experiences.

At our liquor store, we take pride in offering these sweet treasures that cater to both the occasional sipper and the discerning enthusiast. Our Sweet/Dessert Red Wine category is thoughtfully selected to represent the best in quality and value, ensuring that each purchase is an invitation to explore the sweeter side of sophistication. Allow us to guide you through our exceptional range where each bottle promises to deliver warmth, elegance, and a delightful finish.

Popular Sweet/Dessert Red Wine products in our store include Angel Sweet Red 750ml, Joyvin Peach Moscato 750ml, Lolli Spiked Sweet Red 750ml, and Minute Maid Spiked Lime Marg 1.5L. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Sweet/Dessert Red Wine.

Review Highlights - Frontera Sweet Red 750ml

4.9 / 5
145 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. DonaldDuckMG42 Verified Buyer

    It’s not a bad drop. Delivery was quick and the product was packaged well.

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