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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

King Chancho Sauvignon Blanc Central Coast California 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region United States
Variety Sauvignon Blanc
Type Sauvignon Blanc
Producer King Chancho Winery
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Seafood or goat cheese.
ABV 13.5%
Item #
Item # 07624
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
King Chancho Sauvignon Blanc Central Coast California 750ml - Item Code: 07624

Discover King Chancho Sauvignon Blanc Central Coast California 750ml:

Crafted in the sun-kissed vineyards of Central Coast California, the King Chancho Sauvignon Blanc is a delightful expression of this renowned grape varietal. With its vibrant aromas of citrus fruits and fresh-cut grass, this wine offers a crisp and refreshing palate bursting with flavors of zesty lime, green apple, and tropical passion fruit. The lively acidity and clean finish make it a perfect companion for seafood dishes or simply sipping on a warm summer day. Experience the essence of California terroir in every sip of this elegant Sauvignon Blanc.

Producer Notes: King Chancho Winery

King Chancho Winery, based in the lush vineyards of Napa Valley, California, has carved a niche for itself in the world of spirits with its innovative approach to winemaking. Specializing in bold reds and crisp whites, King Chancho Winery is celebrated for its commitment to sustainable practices and attention to detail in every step of the production process. With a focus on quality over quantity, each bottle from King Chancho Winery tells a story of passion and craftsmanship that has captivated wine enthusiasts worldwide.

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White Wine Category 3

Sauvignon Blanc

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Sauvignon Blanc is a white wine that is beloved for its crisp, refreshing acidity and vibrant flavor profile. Originating from the Bordeaux region of France, this varietal has found a successful home in many wine-producing regions around the world, including New Zealand, Chile, and California. Our selection includes a diverse range of Sauvignon Blancs that showcase the grape's versatility, from zesty lime and green apple notes to more tropical fruit flavors like passionfruit and guava.

Our collection features bottles that cater to both the connoisseur and casual drinker alike. Each Sauvignon Blanc in our inventory is chosen for its quality and representation of the region it hails from. The wines exhibit classic characteristics such as pronounced aromatics, often reminiscent of freshly cut grass or elderflower, and a minerality that can range from flinty to chalky depending on the terroir.

Whether you're pairing with seafood dishes or enjoying as an aperitif, our Sauvignon Blanc offerings provide a delightful experience. We invite you to explore labels from esteemed producers who have mastered the art of expressing this grape's unique identity. With each bottle carrying its own story of place and production, our customers are sure to find a Sauvignon Blanc that resonates with their palate.

Popular Sauvignon Blanc products in our store include Starborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml, Clos Du Bois Sauvignon Blanc 750ml, Fitvine Sauvignon Blanc 750ml, and Stoneleigh Sauvignon Blanc 750ml. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

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