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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Knob Creek 15Yr Old Straight Bourbon Whisky 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region United States
Variety Scotch Whiskey
Type Scotch Whiskey
Producer Beam Suntory
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Steak or Dark Chocolate.
ABV 50.0%
Item #
Item # 07195
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Knob Creek 15Yr Old Straight Bourbon Whisky 750ml - Item Code: 07195

Discover Knob Creek 15Yr Old Straight Bourbon Whisky 750ml:

Crafted with precision and aged to perfection, the Knob Creek 15 Year Old Straight Bourbon Whisky is a true masterpiece. This distinguished bourbon exudes rich aromas of toasted oak, vanilla, and caramel, leading to a palate that delights with flavors of dark chocolate, dried fruits, and a hint of smokiness. The smooth and velvety texture of this whisky makes each sip a luxurious experience, culminating in a long and satisfying finish that lingers on the palate. Knob Creek 15 Year Old Straight Bourbon Whisky is a must-try for any connoisseur looking to savor the complexity and depth of a well-aged bourbon.

Producer Notes: Beam Suntory

Beam Suntory, a leading spirits company, originates from the United States. They have gained prominence for their wide range of high-quality whiskies and other spirits. With a rich history dating back to the late 18th century, Beam Suntory has established itself as a key player in the global liquor industry. Their commitment to crafting exceptional products using traditional methods combined with innovative techniques has earned them a loyal following among enthusiasts worldwide.

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Scotch Whiskey

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Our selection of Scotch Whisky offers a journey through Scotland's time-honored distilling traditions, showcasing the rich tapestry of flavors that define this storied spirit. Each bottle in our collection is a testament to the craftsmanship of its distillery, whether it hails from the peat-laden isles or the verdant valleys of the Highlands. With offerings that range from single malts to complex blends, enthusiasts can savor the nuanced profiles born from Scotland's unique terroirs and aging processes.

Connoisseurs will appreciate our curated assortment, which includes whiskies aged in sherry casks for a deep, fruity complexity, as well as those matured in bourbon barrels for a smoother, vanilla-infused character. The distinct smoky notes characteristic of Scotch are present across our range, varying from subtle wisps to robust peat fires. Each expression invites exploration into the heritage and innovation interwoven into every dram.

Whether you're seeking an approachable introduction or a rare vintage to add to your collection, our Scotch Whisky offerings cater to both novices and seasoned aficionados alike. We take pride in providing a diverse array of high-quality spirits that reflect the best of what Scotland's distilleries have to offer—each one an embodiment of the region's dedication to excellence in whisky production.

Popular Scotch Whiskey products in our store include Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ice Chalet 750ml, Johnnie Walker Blue Label New York Sneak 750ml, Macallan Harmony Collection IV 750ml, and Jack Daniel’s Whiskey and Cola Cherry 355ml. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Scotch Whiskey.

Review Highlights - Knob Creek 15Yr Old Straight Bourbon Whisky 750ml

4.5 / 5
27 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. ritzfizz Verified Buyer

    Their store is branded differently than this website, but it’s the same shop. Very good range, plenty to choose from.

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