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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Little Fuck Malbec 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region Argentina
Variety Malbec
Type Malbec
Producer Little Fuck
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Steak or Lamb
ABV 13.5%
Item #
Item # 07781
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Little Fuck Malbec 750ml - Item Code: 07781

Discover Little Fuck Malbec 750ml:

Little Fuck Malbec is a distinguished red wine that exudes elegance and depth. This exquisite Malbec boasts rich notes of blackberry, plum, and dark cherry, intertwined with hints of vanilla and spice. Its velvety texture and well-balanced acidity make it a delightful choice for those seeking a bold yet smooth wine experience. Perfect for pairing with hearty dishes or enjoying on its own, the Little Fuck Malbec is sure to impress even the most discerning palates.

Producer Notes: Little Fuck

Little Fuck is a distillery based in the rolling hills of Scotland. They have gained recognition for their exceptional single malt whiskies, crafted with precision and expertise. The distillery's commitment to quality and tradition sets them apart in the competitive world of spirits. Little Fuck's dedication to using only the finest ingredients and time-honored techniques results in whiskies that are rich in flavor and complexity, appealing to both seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers to the world of fine spirits.

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Critical Acclaim

Wilfred Wong
The 2017 1000 Stories Gold Rush Red deftly combines many California's best red grape varieties—Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Zinfandel, Petite Sirah, and Pinot Noir—into a generous and mouth-filling fusion of beautifully-ripened red fruit flavors. TASTING NOTES: This wine is swimmingly smooth. Its aromas and flavors of red, blue, and black fruits nicely combine with smoky oak, and licorice nuances make the wine a complete package. Pair it with barbecued baby back ribs. (Tasted: May 31, 2019, San Francisco, CA)
Red Wine Category 2


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Malbec is a robust red wine that originates from the Bordeaux region of France but has found a particularly hospitable new home in the sun-drenched valleys of Argentina. Known for its rich, dark fruit flavors and smoky finish, Malbec wines offer a full-bodied experience with notes of blackberry, plum, and black cherry, often complemented by nuances of cocoa, leather, and violet. The grape's thick skin contributes to the deep violet hue and tannic structure of the wine, making it an excellent candidate for aging.

Our selection of Malbecs showcases a variety that caters to both novices and connoisseurs alike. Each bottle tells a story of its terroir, with Argentine Malbecs typically presenting a ripe and lush profile while those from its native France may exhibit more structure and restraint. The versatility of Malbec allows it to pair exceptionally well with red meats, hearty stews, and strong cheeses, making it an ideal choice for dinner parties or casual gatherings.

As we curate our Malbec offerings from various esteemed producers around the globe, we ensure that each product reflects the distinctive characteristics attributed to this beloved varietal. Whether you're seeking an accessible table wine or an age-worthy vintage from high-altitude vineyards, our collection is designed to satisfy diverse palates and preferences while celebrating the unique qualities that make Malbec a favorite among red wine enthusiasts.

Popular Malbec products in our store include Gran Reserva Malbec 750ml, Che Gaucho Malbec Merlot 1.5L, Carlevana Malbec 750ml, and Norton 1895 Colección Malbec 750ml. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Malbec.

Review Highlights - Little Fuck Malbec 750ml

4.8 / 5
246 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. chingchong401 Verified Buyer

    Very decent.

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