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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Maker’s Mark Bourbon Heart Release 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region United States
Type American Whiskey
Producer Maker's Mark Distillery
Size 6L
Pair With
Pair With Barbecue Ribs or Dark Chocolate.
ABV 47.0%
Item #
Item # 08997
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Maker’s Mark Bourbon Heart Release 750ml - Item Code: 08997

Discover Maker’s Mark Bourbon Heart Release 750ml:

Maker’s Mark Bourbon Heart Release 750ml is a distinctive expression from the renowned distillery, celebrated for its commitment to craftsmanship and quality. This limited-edition bourbon showcases a unique blend of corn, wheat, and malted barley, with the wheat providing a softer mouthfeel compared to traditional rye-based bourbons. The Heart Release is characterized by its rich amber hue and an inviting aroma that melds notes of caramel, vanilla, and toasted oak with subtle hints of dried fruit. Each sip reveals a harmonious balance between sweetness and spice, culminating in a smooth finish that lingers pleasantly on the palate.

The meticulous production process involves hand-selecting barrels that have been charred to perfection, allowing for optimal flavor extraction during aging. Maker’s Mark employs their signature red wax seal on each bottle, symbolizing their dedication to artisanal methods. The Heart Release not only embodies the brand’s heritage but also reflects an innovative spirit aimed at creating memorable experiences for bourbon enthusiasts. With its complex profile and refined character, this release stands as a testament to Maker’s Mark’s legacy in the world of premium spirits.

Producer Notes: Maker’s Mark Distillery

Maker’s Mark Distillery, located in Loretto, Kentucky, is renowned for its handcrafted bourbon whiskey. Founded in 1953 by Bill Samuels Jr., the distillery is famous for its unique red wax seal on each bottle and its smooth, sweet flavor profile that comes from using soft red winter wheat instead of rye. In addition to their flagship Maker’s Mark bourbon, they also produce variations like Maker’s Mark 46 and limited editions that showcase different aging techniques and flavor notes. The distillery emphasizes quality over quantity, making it a beloved choice among whiskey enthusiasts around the world.

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Whiskey Category 2

American Whiskey

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Our selection of American Whiskey encompasses a rich tapestry of styles, each with its own distinct character and heritage. From the sweet, corn-rich profile of a classic Kentucky Bourbon to the bold and spicy notes found in a Tennessee Whiskey, our range is curated to offer a comprehensive experience of America's whiskey-making prowess. Rye Whiskeys, with their peppery bite and fruit-forward palate, stand alongside smooth wheat varieties, ensuring that enthusiasts and newcomers alike can find a whiskey that resonates with their taste preferences.

The craft of American Whiskey production is steeped in tradition, yet it continually embraces innovation. Our collection features bottles from storied distilleries that have honed their methods over generations as well as from newer artisans who are pushing the boundaries of flavor and technique. Each whiskey tells its own story through its unique blend of mash bill, fermentation process, and aging conditions—whether it's aged in charred new oak barrels or finished in wine casks to add complexity.

At our liquor store, we take pride in offering a diverse array of American Whiskeys that cater to connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike. Whether you're looking for a smooth sipper for your home bar or an intriguing bottle to gift to a fellow aficionado, our knowledgeable staff can guide you through the nuances of each selection. Explore the robust flavors and rich history encapsulated in every bottle from our carefully chosen American Whiskey range.

Popular American Whiskey products in our store include Bulleit Bourbon 375ml, Bulleit 95 Rye Bourbon 375ml, Booker’s Bourbon Barrel Reserve 2024 750ml, and Woodinville Straight Bourbon Port Cask Finish. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of American Whiskey.

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