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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Paul Masson Fruit Punch 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region United States
Variety Brandy Domestic
Type Brandy Domestic
Producer E & J Gallo Winery
Size 750ml
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Pair With Cheese or Charcuterie
ABV 8.5%
Item #
Item # 08579
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Paul Masson Fruit Punch 750ml - Item Code: 08579

Discover Paul Masson Fruit Punch 750ml:

Customers love the Paul Masson Fruit Punch, a delightful blend of fruity flavors that tantalize the taste buds with a burst of sweetness and freshness. This vibrant drink combines the essence of ripe berries, succulent peaches, and zesty citrus notes, creating a harmonious symphony of taste. With each sip, you’ll experience a medley of tropical fruits dancing on your palate, leaving a refreshing and invigorating sensation. The Paul Masson Fruit Punch is perfect for those seeking a lively and flavorful beverage to elevate any occasion.

Producer Notes: E & J Gallo Winery

E & J Gallo Winery, based in Modesto, California, is a prominent player in the wine industry. Established in 1933 by brothers Ernest and Julio Gallo, the winery has grown to become one of the largest family-owned wine producers globally. With a diverse portfolio of wines ranging from Chardonnay to Cabernet Sauvignon, E & J Gallo Winery is known for its commitment to quality and innovation. Their dedication to crafting exceptional wines has solidified their position as a key player in the wine market.

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Whiskey Category 1

Brandy Domestic

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Our selection of domestic brandy offers a refined taste of tradition, showcasing the craftsmanship of local distilleries. These brandies are distilled from premium grapes, carefully fermented and aged in wooden casks to achieve their distinct flavor profiles. With each sip, connoisseurs can detect the subtle nuances imparted by the unique climates and soil conditions of American vineyards.

The range includes both young and matured expressions, allowing enthusiasts to explore a spectrum of aromas and tastes. From the vibrant and fruity notes found in younger brandies to the rich, complex character of aged varieties, our collection caters to a variety of palates. The aging process in oak barrels lends these spirits their warm amber hues and contributes to their smooth finishes.

Whether enjoyed neat, as part of a classic cocktail, or as an after-dinner digestif, our domestic brandy offerings provide an authentic experience of American viticulture and distillation excellence. Each bottle tells a story of its origin, inviting patrons on a sensory journey through the heartland's most esteemed distilleries.

Popular Brandy Domestic products in our store include Mr Boston Blackberry Brandy 200ml, E&J Vanilla Brandy 375ml, XXL Sweet Peach Brandy 750ml, and XXL Black Cherry Brandy 750ml. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Brandy Domestic.

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