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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog 1.75L

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region United States
Type Liqueurs Assorted
Producer Dairyland Distillers
Size 1.75L
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Pair With Pecan Pie or Gingerbread Cookies
ABV 14.0%
Item #
Item # 09027
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog 1.75L - Item Code: 09027

Discover Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog 1.75L:

Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog is a rich and creamy liqueur that embodies the festive spirit of traditional holiday beverages. Crafted with a blend of high-quality dairy cream, sugar, and a proprietary mix of spices, this eggnog offers a delightful balance between sweetness and warmth. The inclusion of premium spirits, typically rum or brandy, enhances its complexity while providing a smooth finish that lingers on the palate. With an alcohol content around 14%, it serves as both an indulgent treat and a spirited addition to seasonal gatherings.

The drink’s distinctive flavor profile is characterized by notes of nutmeg and vanilla, which are complemented by the velvety texture derived from real eggs. This combination not only elevates its taste but also pays homage to the time-honored recipes passed down through generations in Pennsylvania Dutch culture. Whether enjoyed straight from the bottle or used as an ingredient in cocktails or desserts, Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog stands out as a quintessential holiday libation that invites warmth and celebration into any occasion.

Producer Notes: Dairyland Distillers

Dairyland Distillers is a unique producer located in Wisconsin, known for crafting high-quality spirits that reflect the rich agricultural heritage of the region. They specialize in making a variety of drinks, including their popular dairy-based liqueurs and smooth whiskeys, which have gained recognition for their creamy textures and delightful flavors. Their commitment to using local ingredients not only supports nearby farmers but also enhances the distinct taste of their products. With a focus on quality and tradition, Dairyland Distillers has become a beloved name among those who appreciate fine spirits.

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