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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

The Yamazaki 12Yr Single Malt Whisky 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region Japan
Variety Japanese Whiskey
Type Japanese Whiskey
Producer Suntory
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Cheese or Dark Chocolate.
ABV 43.0%
Item #
Item # 04851
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
The Yamazaki 12Yr Single Malt Whisky 750ml - Item Code: 04851

Discover The Yamazaki 12Yr Single Malt Whisky 750ml:

Yamazaki 12 Year Single Malt Whisky is a true masterpiece of Japanese whisky. This exquisite spirit offers a harmonious blend of flavors, including delicate notes of honey, dried fruit, and a hint of cinnamon. The palate is treated to a rich and smooth texture, with a subtle touch of oak that lingers on the finish. Each sip reveals layers of complexity and depth, making it a truly exceptional whisky for the discerning connoisseur.

Producer Notes: Suntory

Suntory is a prominent liquor producer based in Japan. They have gained international recognition for their exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to producing high-quality spirits. Suntory is famous for its diverse range of products, including whiskies, wines, and other spirits. With a rich history dating back to 1899, Suntory has established itself as a leader in the global liquor industry, known for its commitment to innovation and excellence in every bottle they produce.

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Japanese Whiskey

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Our selection of Japanese Whiskey offers a refined journey through the artistry of one of the world's most respected whiskey-producing nations. Known for its meticulous craftsmanship and innovation, Japanese Whiskey is characterized by its precision in balance and smoothness. Each bottle in our collection is a testament to the dedication of master distillers who draw on centuries-old traditions while embracing modern techniques to create spirits of exceptional quality.

From the delicate floral notes and silken textures of single malts to the complex, harmonious blends that showcase subtlety and depth, our range caters to connoisseurs and newcomers alike. The distinct profile of Japanese Whiskey often features hints of honey, fruit, and a gentle smokiness, achieved through careful aging in select wood casks. These whiskeys are perfect for savoring neat, on the rocks, or as a sophisticated component in high-end cocktails.

As purveyors of fine spirits, we are proud to offer a curated collection that includes award-winning labels from renowned distilleries such as Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Nikka. Whether you seek an introduction to this illustrious category or aim to add a rare edition to your collection, our Japanese Whiskey offerings promise an exquisite experience that honors the legacy and future of this extraordinary spirit.

Popular Japanese Whiskey products in our store include The Yamazaki 100th Anniversary 12Yr Single Malt 750ml, Hakushu 100th Anniversary 12Yr Single Malt 750ml, Hibiki Whisky Suntory 30Yr 700ml, and Yamazaki Golden Promise 700ml. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Japanese Whiskey.

Review Highlights - The Yamazaki 12Yr Single Malt Whisky 750ml

4.7 / 5
64 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. ItzDarklord Verified Buyer

    Their store is branded differently than this website, but it’s the same shop. Very good range, plenty to choose from.

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