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Rated 4.8 / 5

+5000 Reviews

Xio Moscato 750ml

* Bottle label may be different than above.
Region Italy
Variety Moscato
Type Moscato
Producer Xio Wines
Size 750ml
Pair With
Pair With Fruit or light desserts
ABV 11.5%
Item #
Item # 05744
Critic Scores & User Ratings are based on an aggregated international Global Wine Score (GWS).
Xio Moscato 750ml - Item Code: 05744

Discover Xio Moscato 750ml:

Xio Moscato is a delightful wine that boasts a vibrant and aromatic profile. With its origins rooted in the Muscat grape, this wine offers a symphony of floral and fruity notes. Upon sipping, one can expect to be greeted by flavors of ripe peach, orange blossom, and a hint of honey. The palate is further enhanced by a refreshing acidity that balances the sweetness, culminating in a crisp and clean finish. Xio Moscato is an excellent choice for those seeking a light-bodied and easy-drinking wine that pairs beautifully with desserts or serves as a charming apéritif.

Producer Notes: Xio Wines

Xio Wines, based in the picturesque Napa Valley region of California, has garnered a loyal following for their exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to quality. Their wines are celebrated for their rich flavors and elegant profiles, reflecting the unique terroir of the region. With a commitment to sustainable practices and innovation, Xio Wines continues to push boundaries in the world of winemaking, creating memorable experiences with every bottle.

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Moscato, a wine celebrated for its aromatic bouquet and sweet profile, is a delightful offering for those who appreciate a lighter, fruit-forward wine. Originating from the Muscat grape, Moscato typically presents flavors of peach, orange blossom, and nectarine. Its gentle effervescence and lower alcohol content make it an approachable choice for both new enthusiasts and seasoned connoisseurs alike.

Our selection of Moscato wines showcases the versatility of this varietal. From the classic still Moscato d'Asti to sparkling versions that dance on the palate, each bottle offers a unique expression of the grape's potential. These wines are sourced from reputable producers known for their dedication to quality and regional authenticity, ensuring that every sip reflects the true character of this beloved style.

Whether paired with light appetizers, enjoyed as a sweet conclusion to a meal, or sipped on its own as a refreshing interlude, Moscato remains a favored choice among our alcohol products. Its inherent sweetness also makes it an excellent companion to spicy cuisine, balancing heat with its natural sugar content. We invite you to explore our curated collection and discover the delightful nuances that Moscato has to offer.

Popular Moscato products in our store include Earl Stevens Moscato 750ml, Carlevana Moscato 750ml, Choco Loco Cherry Moscato 750ml, and Christina Spumante 750ml. Drop in to our store today and find an incredible bottle of Moscato.

Review Highlights - Xio Moscato 750ml

4.9 / 5
319 Total reviews
91% Would order again
  1. Gurmail S Sooch Verified Buyer


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